0 POLOžKY - $0.00 Bonus: 2
Generic Tinidazole
Tinidazole is used against protozoan infections to treat bacterial vaginosis, trichomoniasis, giardiasis, and amebiasis.
Zvolit Dávky: 500mg
Tinidazole $65.00
$0.90 za pilulka
+ Balíček Pojištění
+ Sleva pro další objednávku
Přidat do košíku
ušetříte: $0.00
Tinidazole $78.00
$0.72 za pilulka
+ Balíček Pojištění
+ Sleva pro další objednávku
Přidat do košíku
ušetříte: $16.20
Tinidazole $94.00
$0.65 za pilulka
+ Balíček Pojištění
+ Sleva pro další objednávku
Přidat do košíku
ušetříte: $30.00
Tinidazole $126.00
$0.58 za pilulka
+ Balíček Pojištění
+ Sleva pro další objednávku
Přidat do košíku
ušetříte: $57.60
Package Example
Vaše objednávka bude zabalena a odeslána do 24 hodin. To je přesně, jak bude zásilka vypadat (vid. obrázky výše). To má velikost a vzhled pravidelného soukromého dopisu (9.4x 4.3x0.3 palce nebo 24x11x0.7 cm) a nepopisuje jeho obsah.
Čas doručení
Doprava 14-21 Dnů 10$ Sledování # k dispozici 4 Dnů
Zdarma standardní dopravní servis pro všechny objednávky se součtem nad $200
Doprava 5-9 Dnů 30$ Sledování # k dispozici 2 Dnů
Zdarma vystopovatelná služba pro všechny objednávky se součtem nad $300
Přeprava celosvětove Důvěrnost a záruka anonymity
Bezpečný a spolehlivý Discreet looking packages
Expedice objednávek do 24 hodin 100% uspěšnosť dodávky
Ohlasy Popis Produktu
Aktuálně nemáme pro tento produkt žádnou recenzi. Můžete být ale první, kdo ji přidá, nebo si můžete přečíst o podobných produktech na stránce s hodnocením.

Přidat Recenzi
Common use

Tinidazole is an antiprotozoal and antibiotic which used to treat certain infections caused by protozoa (tiny, one-celled animals) or vagina. Tinidazole kills sensitive parasites and bacteria and used also to treat certain sexually transmitted infections.

Dosage and direction

Take it orally with food/milk. For best result take it at the same time each day.

The recommended dose for children 3 years age or older:

- for Amebiasis, intestinal: 50 mg/kg/day for 3 days (up to2 g/day)

- for Amebiasis, liver abscess: 50 mg/kg/day for 3-5 days (up to2 g/day)

- for Giardiasis: 50 mg/kg as a single dose (up to 2 g/day)

The recommended dose for adults:

- for Amebiasis, intestinal: 2 g/day for 3 days

- for Amebiasis, liver abscess: 2 g/day for 3-5 days

- for Bacterial vaginosis: 2 g/day for 2 days or 1 g/day for 5 days

- for Giardiasis: 2 g as a single dose

- for Trichomoniasis: Oral: 2 g as a single dose. Remember that if you want to get more benefits your sexual partner should be treated with the same dose at the same time.

Note: this instruction presented here just for review. It's very necessary to consult with your doctor before using. It help you to get best results.


Do not drink alcohol while taking Tinidazole or for 3 days after you stop taking it. Tinidazole in combination with alcohol can cause stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting, headaches, and flushing. Use it with cautions if your medical history include seizure disorders, in hepatic and renal impairment. If you are taking this medicine for trichomoniasis (an infection of the sex organs in males and females), your to treat your sexual partner at the same time you are being treated, even if he or she has no symptoms. Also Trinidazole should not be used during pregnancy, becoming pregnant or lactating without doctor's advice. Do not use Tinidazole before breast-feeding without doctor's advice.


Tinidazole is not allowed to people who are hypersensitive to tinidazole, nitroimidazole derivatives (including metronidazole), or any component of this medication. Also it is contraidicated for first trimester of pregnancy and breast-feeding mothers.

Possible side effect

They may include all types ofan allergic reaction. Also the most possible side effects include:


fever, chills, body aches, flu symptoms;

numbness, burning, pain, or tingly feeling;

fever, sore throat, and headache with a severe blistering, peeling, and red skin rash.

Less serious include:

vaginal yeast infection (itching, white discharge);

an unpleasant metallic taste in your mouth;

nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, indigestion;

constipation, diarrhea, stomach cramps;

dark-colored urine;

headache, dizziness;

muscle or joint pain;

dry mouth, thirst, change in the color of your tongue;

white patches or sores inside your mouth or on your lips; or

minor skin rash or itching.

If you experience one of them stop using Tinidazole and tell your doctor as soon as possible. Also consult with your doctor about any side effect that seems unusual.

Drug interaction

Tinidazole interact with the following drugs: amiodarone; cimetidine; cholestyramine; cyclosporine or tacrolimus; dexamethasone; fluorouracil; griseofulvin; lithium; rifampin; St. John's wort; antibiotics such as azithromycin, ciprofloxacin, clarithromycin, erythromycin, itraconazole, or ketoconazole; HIV medication, including: nevirapine, delavirdine, or efavirenz; or seizure medication such as carbamazepine, phenytoin or phenobarbital. Also note that interaction between two medications does not always mean that you must stop taking one of them. As usual it affects the the effect of drugs, so consult with your doctor about how it interactions are being managed or should be managed.

Missed dose

If you forgot to take your dose in time, please do it as soon as you remember. But do not take if it is too late or almost time for your next dose. Do not increase your recommended doses. Take your usually dose next day in the same regularly time.


Symptoms of a Tinidazole overdose are not known. So if you experience any unusual symptoms call your doctor immediately.


Store at room temperature between 20-25 C (68-77 F).


We provide only general information about medications which does not cover all directions, possible drug integrations, or precautions. Information at the site cannot be used for self-treatment and self-diagnosis. Any specific instructions for a particular patient should be agreed with your health care adviser or doctor in charge of the case. We disclaim reliability of this information and mistakes it could contain. We are not responsible for any direct, indirect, special or other indirect damage as a result of any use of the information on this site and also for consequences of self-treatment.
Stephen Smith
Když jsem vytvářel objednávku pro svého dědečka, zadal jsem jeho adresu a svůj telefon a kvůli tomu se doručení léků trochu zpozdilo, protože volali nejdřív mně a pak dědečkovi, aby vše ověřili. Z toho jsem byl trochu nervózní, ale chápu, že tyto postupy ...
Phill Guess
Lidi, měli byste být velmi pozorní, když vyplňujete formulář s informacemi k platbě. Moje objednávka byla zablokována, protože jsem chtěl, aby zásilka byla doručena na adresu mého přítele, ale platil jsem svou kreditní kartou, takže adresy neodpovídaly. ...
Ačkoliv to byl můj první on-line nákup a já jsem dlouho váhal, jestli mám zaplatit kreditní kartou přes internet, abych pak nedostal nějaký falešný produkt, který jsem objednal, podstoupil jsem to riziko a dostal jsem přesně to, co jsem chtěl. Nemusím ...
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