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Tom, 71, New Mexico
“It is not fair that everybody knows about Viagra, Levitra worked perfectly for me and moreover it is less expensive and easier to find. I almost have not experienced any side effects, at least those severe to make sex impossible. Works like a charm.”
Roberto Revillon
Many thanks to the company, I appreciate very much your very qualified and comprehensive support. When I was curious about status of my order I was informed about process of shipment.
Phill Guess
Guys, you should be very attentive filling up the payment form. My order was blocked because I wanted the drugs to be delivered to my friend while I paid by my credit card and addresses did not coincide. I had phone two times to resolve this with customer ...

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Weight-loss jab checks to be tightened by pharmacies
Online pharmacies will no longer be allowed to use customer pictures or questionnaires as evidence.
Vaping clinic for children begins seeing patients
The service in Alder Hey Childrens' Hospital aims to get 11 to 16-year-olds "nicotine free".
Major breast cancer screening AI trial to begin
Almost 700,000 women to be recruited to study as government fires starting gun on cancer strategy.
Celebrity butt-lift injector who left women with sepsis exposed by BBC
Ricky Sawyer gave out medication illegally and some of his clients needed emergency hospital treatment.