0 ITEMS - $0.00 Bonus: 2
Geoffrey, Rolling Meadows
My apologies. I did not know the items were sent separately. I received the second envelope yesterday. Thank you for your help and support.
George Crant, Michigan, United States
I have to make a remark about this company and its nothing I can say except your service is the best I have experienced. Whenever customs took my order you always shipped again. The only problem is when customs take the order they contact me to tell them ...
Tom Eads, Clearwater, United States
I finally received my package yesterday (October 27, 2015) and all is good. It took its time getting here, but it made it.

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Health regulator not fit for purpose - Streeting
The health secretary says he is stunned by failings in inspecting hospitals, GPs and care homes in England.
‘I’m stuck in a prison’: Disabled and trapped in hospital for 10 months
No suitable home has been found in the community for the 36-year-old, who is disabled.
TikTok midwife: ‘Jealous colleagues bullied me out’
The former midwife at Bristol's Southmead Hospital is suing for constructive unfair dismissal.
Shingles vaccine may help delay dementia - study
There is growing evidence that a vaccine against shingles may also protect against dementia.