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Generic Cytoxan (Cyclophosphamide)
Cytoxan is used for treatment of cancer with cytotoxic effect.
Seleccionar Doses: 50mg
Cytoxan $187.00
$5.20 por pílula
+ Seguro da remessa do pacote
+ Próximas compras com desconto 10%
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salvar: $0.00
Cytoxan $325.00
$4.52 por pílula
+ Serviço Standard de Airmail Gratuito
+ Seguro da remessa do pacote
+ Próximas compras com desconto 10%
Adicionar ao carrinho
salvar: $40.80
Cytoxan $444.00
$4.11 por pílula
+ Free trackable courier service
+ Seguro da remessa do pacote
+ Próximas compras com desconto 10%
Adicionar ao carrinho
salvar: $98.10
Cytoxan $538.00
$3.73 por pílula
+ Free trackable courier service
+ Seguro da remessa do pacote
+ Próximas compras com desconto 10%
Adicionar ao carrinho
salvar: $176.40
Cytoxan $732.00
$3.39 por pílula
+ Free trackable courier service
+ Seguro da remessa do pacote
+ Próximas compras com desconto 10%
Adicionar ao carrinho
salvar: $325.80
Cytoxan $1334.00
$3.09 por pílula
+ Free trackable courier service
+ Seguro da remessa do pacote
+ Próximas compras com desconto 10%
Adicionar ao carrinho
salvar: $759.60
Package Example
Seu pedido será embalado de forma segura e protegida e será enviado dentro de 24 horas. É exactamente assim que o seu pacote será (fotos de um envio real). Ele tem o tamanho e a aparência de uma carta pessoal comum (9,4x4,3x0,3 polegadas ou 24x11x0,7cm) e ele não revela o seu conteúdo
Prazo de entrega
Entrega 14-21 Dias 10$ Rastreio# disponível em 4 Dias
Serviço standard aéreo gratuito em todas as encomendas com valores superiors a $200
Entrega 5-9 Dias 30$ Rastreio# disponível em 2 Dias
Serviços restreável gratuito em todas as encomendas com valores superiors a $300
Envio para todo o mundo Anonimato e sigilo garantidos
Seguro e protegido Discreet looking packages
Pedidos enviados dentro de 24 horas 100% de sucesso nas entregas
Testemunhos Descrição Do Produto
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Common use

Cytoxan belongs to the drugs for treatment of cancer with cytotoxic effect. Its active substance cyclophosphamide is converted in the liver by cytochrome P450 into two active substances acrolein and phosphoramide. They are the active compounds, and they slow the growth of cancer cells inhibiting their proliferation and metabolism. First of all this effect concerns cells of uncontrolled growing but also damages other cells of the body resulting in serious side effects. Cytoxan also can be referred to as immunosuppressive agent. Cytoxan is used to treat malignant lymphoma (lymphocytic and gistiotsitarnaya lymphoma, lymphogranulomatosis, Burkitt lymphoma, lymphoma, mixed type), multiple myeloma, leukemias (lymphocytic leukemia, granulocytic leukemia, myelocytic leukemia, acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children), neuroblastoma, ovarian adenocarcinoma, retinoblastoma, breast carcinoma.

Dosage and direction

For adults and children Cytoxan is administered intravenously by 40-50 mg/kg over 3-5 days in divided doses. An oral dose of this medication is oral dose is 1-5 mg/kg daily. Dosage should be corrected on a basis of regular blood tests for white blood cell count. This medication can be taken orally also with or without food.


Carefulness should be exercised in patients with myelosuppression, liver or kidney disorders, with the previous radiation and chemotherapy. During treatment a regular monitoring of blood and urine count tests (for the presence of red blood cells) is required. In women of childbearing age a reliable contraception is recommended if Cytoxan is taken.


Hypersensitivity, severe myelosuppression.

Side effects

Side effects of Cytoxan include vulnerability to infections, the development of a secondary cancer, typically of the bladder, lymph nodes, or bone marrow. A secondary cancer may occur several years after the drug is given.

Drug interaction

Notify your doctor before to take anticancer drugs such as doxorubicin, allopurinol, and phenobarbital with Cytoxan. Correction of steroid hormones dosage should be done if they are taken with Cytoxan in patients with removed adrenal glands.

Missed dose

If you forgot to take your dose in time, please do it as soon as you remember. But do not take if it is too late or almost time for your next dose. Do not take double or extra doses. Take your usually dose next day in the same regularly time.


Symptoms of Cytoxan overdose are not expected. If you suppose that took too much of it call your doctor immediately.


Store at room temperature between 20-25 C (68-77 F). Keep out of heat, moisture, sunlight, of the reach of children. Storage in a bathroom is not recommended.


We provide only general information about medications which does not cover all directions, possible drug integrations, or precautions. Information at the site cannot be used for self-treatment and self-diagnosis. Апу specific instructions for a particular patient should be agreed with your health care adviser or doctor in charge of the case. We disclaim reliability of this information and mistakes it could contain. We are not responsible for any direct, indirect, special or other indirect damage as a result of any use of the information on this site and also for consequences of self-treatment.

Tibre Snopek, Bratislava, Eslováquia
Olá, o serviço é muito bom, eu não recebi meu pedido porque o correio perdeu o pacote (provavelmente) e me enviaram outro que eu recebi rapidamente. Os comprimidos são de qualidade e eficazes, nada de errado. Altamente recomendado, muito obrigado!
Albert, Halmstad, Suécia
Agora eu tenho o que encomendei. Agora eu sei que posso confiar na sua empresa. Obrigado. Eu irei lhe recomendar-lhe a todos os meus amigos e conhecidos que querem comprar... Mais uma vez, OBRIGADO!!
Vanessa, Hermitage
Eu recebi a encomenda e irei fazer outra brevemente.
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