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Tom, Clearwater
Cara equipa de suporte, recebi finalmente a minha encomenda ontem. E tudo está bem. Demorou algum tempo a chegar, mas o que interessa é que chegou.
David Rochester, Oxford-Reino Unido
Olá, tenho o prazer de informar que minha encomenda chegou ontem. Muito obrigado pela sua ajuda!
Albert, Tucson
Agora tenho o que realmente encomendei. Eu sei que posso confiar na vossa empresa. Obrigado, e irei contar a todos os meus amigos e conhecidos que querem comprar. Mais uma vez, obrigado.
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Health regulator not fit for purpose - Streeting
The health secretary says he is stunned by failings in inspecting hospitals, GPs and care homes in England.
‘I’m stuck in a prison’: Disabled and trapped in hospital for 10 months
No suitable home has been found in the community for the 36-year-old, who is disabled.
TikTok midwife: ‘Jealous colleagues bullied me out’
The former midwife at Bristol's Southmead Hospital is suing for constructive unfair dismissal.
Shingles vaccine may help delay dementia - study
There is growing evidence that a vaccine against shingles may also protect against dementia.